Local Events
Here you will see photos and a list of the past events the Larry Labonte Recovery Center has been a part of!
The staff and volunteers strive to be there and help the community at all possible times.
For more information on any upcoming events or meetings, check out our Facebook page!
Sober Super Bowl Party
SUD Prevention Days at Local Schools
Dirigo High, Sacopee Valley High, Oxford Hills Comprehensive High, Telstar​ Middle School
​Child Advocacy Day
River Valley Clean Up
River Valley Recovers Strong Rally
River Valley Recovers Strong Forum
Attended Governor Mill's Opioid Summit
GRCC Snow Pitch Softball
Cribbage Tournament
LLRC 3rd Annual Golf Scramble
Memorial Day Parade
LD 1714 Advocacy at The Maine State House
LLRC 2 Year Open House
WMARI Black Balloon Day
LLRC Prize Calendar
​Child Advocacy Day
Community Clean Up
Lead with Love Community Panel Discussion Partnered with Maine Student Action - A Project of Maine People Alliance
Attended Governor Mill's Opioid Summit in Bangor
WMARI Jacinta Documentary Showing and Panel Discussion
Ride To Recovery
LLRC Annual Golf Scramble
Maine Recovery Advocacy Project (ME-RAP) Listening Session
WMARI Black Balloon Day
LLRC Prize Calendar
​Child Advocacy Day By The Fraternal Order of Eagles
Crazy Days - The reopening of Congress Street in Rumford
Virtually Hosted Governor Mill's Opioid Summit
LLRC Annual Golf Scramble
WMARI Recovery Rally
PumpkinFest - Downtown Rumford
If you missed us at any of these events, DON'T WORRY.
Most happen every year, so hope to see you there next time ​